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On-Line Geodesy Resources
General Reference
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible." --
Albert Einstein
- Writing Tools
- yourDictionary.com
(provides "the world's most comprehensive, and authoritative portal for
language, and language-related products and services on the world wide web".
Selected "Best of the Web for Reference" by Forbes magazine.)
- Writing Tools
(provides an astonishing range of 575 links to information resources, listed
from A for Aacronym Finder to Z for Zip Codes, and includes sites for biblical
references, dictionaries, glassaries, history and plenty of oddments like the
Moron's Almanac)
- JournalismNet
(excellent source information, including links to libraries, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, biographies, newspapers and magazines from around the world,
and tips on finding people)
- Chicago Manual of Style
(most popular style guide for publications in the sciences)
- Dictionaries
- Encyclopedias
- TechEncyclopedia
(based on The Computer Desktop Encyclopedia of more than 14,000 definitions
of computer terms and concepts)
- Translation Tools
- Telephone Directories
- SuperPages (Canada-wide business and
residential listings plus reverse look-up, shopping directories and links to
international directories)
- Canada 411 (Official Bell Canada business
and residential listings, addresses and postal codes for most provinces in
- BellZinc.ca (Bell Canada's small-business
portal with links to suppliers of business products and services, and a huge
database of useful articles covering every aspect of business operation)
- Miscellaneous Information
- Ask Dr. Universe
(ask questions to Washington State Universary faculty; tackles all questions,
not just science)
- HowThingsWork (leading provider of
information on how things work)
- The Stain Guide
(offers advice on getting rid of stubborn stains, including everything from
acids to wod sap, as well as the old standards: blood and lipstick)
- Rulers
(a prodigious listing of the top officials of virtually every country, dating
back to the early 19th century).
- Journey Wowan
(comprehensive guide for the lone female traveller offering a wide variety of
- Mayo Clinic Health Oasis (reliable
health information).
- Web MD Health
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Last Revised 2006-04-02