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On-Line Geodesy Resources
Geodesy & Astronomy
General Information
- A Tutorial in Geodesy
by Petr Vanicek
Geodetic Glossary
by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey, Silver Spring, MD, September 2001, Revised June 3, 2009.
- The Geographer's Craft Project
A teaching initiative by Kennith E. Foote at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Various authors provide
course materials to improve the teaching of geographical techniques at the introductory level. Includes
excellent notes introducing the concepts of GPS, coordinates systems and more. Although created at the
University of Texas at Austin, the site was moved the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2000.
- Bob Burtchand's Links to
Coordinates, Datums and Transformation Information
- The Science of Timekeeping
by David W. Allen, Clifford C. Hodge and Neil Ashbyare, 1997 (one of Hewlett Packard's well-known
Application Notes and an excellent reference on timekeeping).
- Time Scales (by Paul Schlyter)
- Canadian Very Long Baseline Interferometry. Information
on VLBI in Canada.
- NIMA Earth Gravity Model (EGM96)
- The Unofficial Canadian Geodetic Networks Home Page (Password required)
- Canada's Vertical Datum (Password required)
- The US Geoid Page
- Tables of Contents in Geodesy. A
searchable archive of the tables of contents of recent geodetic journals, by yours truly.
Geodesy Organizations
On-Line Geodesy Software
Geodesy Software
Geodetic Survey Division's Software Products
-- Transformation of Coordinates & Observations between NAD83(CSRS) and all
official realizations of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)
in North America
- NTv2
-- National Transformation v2 between NAD27 and NAD83 in Canada
-- GPS Height Transformation Between NAD83(CSRS) ellipsoidal heights and CGVD28 orthometric
heights in Canada
-- Canadian Spatial Reference System Precise Point Positioning
-- Direct and Inverse Geodetic Computations
-- Coordinate Conversions Between UTM and Ellipsoidal Coordinates
- US National Geodetic Survey
- NGS Geodetic Tool Kit.
On-line interactive software utilities for solving a variety of geodetic
problems. Most software can also be downloaded to run locally.
- NGS PC Software
Free geodetic software developed by NGS, including their 3D adjustment package ADJUST.
- GHOST 3D Adjustment Software.
Home page and help for users of the GHOST adjustment software by the
Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada.
Note: distribution of this software is restricted.
- Mike's Software Archive.
A collection of some of some Fortran & MATLAB software programs
and libraries from myself and others, including:
Transforms GHOST and GeoLab data files between ITRF and NAD83(CSRS) reference frames.
From yours truly.
Converts between different date formats, including year + month + day, year + day of year,
year + decimal year, GPS week + seconds of week and Julian date. From
yours truly.
Determines the parameters of a seven parameter datum (similarity) transformation
between two sets of coordinates on different datums. From
Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada.
- gho_geo.
Converts between GHOST and GeoLab format data files. From
Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada.
- Geodetic Toolbox.
Matlab functions for general problems in geodesy. Most popular download in
Earth Sciences
on the Matlab web site. From yours truly.
Performs a Least Squares Spectral Analysis based on the the algorithm and software developed
and described in "Least Squares Spectral Analysis Revisited" by D. Wells, P. Vanicek and S.
Pagiatakas (Dept. of Surveying Engineering Technical Report No. 85, 1985).
- UNB Geodetic
Fortran Library.
A collection of various geodetic subroutines and functions from the Department of Surveying
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, circa 1980's.
- Scientific
Subroutine Package.
Selected matrix subroutines and functions from IBM's original Scientific Subroutine Package,
circa 1970's. It's hard to improve on some of these basic routines.
- Mike's Fortran
A collection of Fortran libraries for geodesy, statistics and miscellaneous utilities from
myself and others.
- Mike's MATLAB Toolbox Archive.
A collection of MATLAB toolboxes for geodesy, GPS,
statistics, plotting, maps, etc. from myself and others.
- GPS Deformation Network Analysis Software
(from Mattia Crespi). Performs 1D, 2D, and 3D statistical analyses of GPS deformation networks,
including the significance of coordinate differences from two repeated surveys of the same network,
and displacement vectors with error and reliability ellipsoids.
- GeoCommunity -- Free Software (a directory of
free software tools and utilities in geomatics)
- Aviation Formulary
(great circle navigation formulae for aviation)
- SOFA: Standards of Fundamental Astronomy
A free software collection of constants, algorithms and procedures that implement standard models
used in fundamental astronomy, from the International Astronomical Union.
- AUSLIG's Geodetic Calculation Methods.
Geocentric Datum of Australia Technical Manual containing algorithms and MS Excel
spreadsheets for a variety of geodetic computations, including coordinate conversions
and computations on the ellipsoid.
- CUBA (City University Bundle
Adjustment) A least-squares estimation package from Tim Short that can be
used for photogrammetric, geodetic and combined adjustments. May no longer be
- EasyTrans.
A comprehensive, easy to use, shareware program for coordinate conversions and
transformations, available for Windows 95/98/NT, Linux and various flavours of
Unix. From geoIma.
Converts between WGS84 and local datums. Designed for coordinates scaled
from maps and charts. From
National Imagery and Mapping Agency.
- Gencoord
Converts geographical coordinates to UTM and reverse, and performs datum
transformations. From MultiGIS.
- SeisSoft
Coordinate transformation software (shareware), including Lat/Long-to-mapping
plane conversions and datum transformations based on DMA values.
- MultiGIS. Converts
geographical coordinates to UTM and reverse, and performs datum transformations.
- Free GPS software and processing services (see GPS section).
- GeoTimer
Shareware Windows utility that converts dates and times between Gregorian, GPS
and Modified Julian time scale. Also the time span between two time marks will
be computed. From geoIma.
Astronomy Organizations, Data & Ephemerides
On-Line Astronomy Calculators
Astronomy Software
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Last Revised 2016-02-18