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On-Line Geodesy Resources
Global Positioning System
International GPS Service (IGS)
- Central Bureau Home Page
- Tracking Network Information
- IGS Mailing Lists
- IGS Data and Products
- IGS Data Centers
- IGS Analysis Center Coordinator
- IGS Reference Frame Coordinator
- Procedures for Becoming an IGS Station
- Standards for IGS Stations and Operational Centers
- GPS Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring - Pilot Project
- Working Groups
- Generated Products (orbits, clocks, EOPs, station positions)
- Tracking Data
- Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), NASA
- Institut Geographique National (IGN), France
FTP Archive & Daily Data
Hourly Data
Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC) --
Daily Data --
Hourly Data
Data Formats
RINEX v2.10 (GPS & GLONASS observations, met data & navigation data)
RINEX v2.11 (GPS & GLONASS observations, met data & navigation data)
RINEX v2.12 (GPS & GLONASS observations, met data & navigation data;
used for GNSS receivers reporting the C2 observable, currently considered
experimental by the IGS)
RINEX v3.01 (GPS & GLONASS observations, met data & navigation data;
used for GNSS receivers reporting the C2 observable, currently considered
experimental by the IGS)
Hatanaka Compact RINEX format/compression
(RNXCMP software)
SINEX (station positions & velocities)
Scripps Online GPS Date Converter (converts dates between calendar date, modified
Julian date, decimal year, day of year and GPS week)
- Site Information
Equipment Naming Conventions (for receivers and antennas)
- Antennas
IGS Reference Frame Transformations
Coordinate/Velocity Solutions and Time Series
Other Global and Regional GPS Archives and Networks
GPS Status Reports
Other Sources of Official GPS Information & Services
Geomagnetic/Ionospheric/Solar Reports
Space Environment Center, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(provides space weather, reports alerts and warnings to the US and the world for
disturbances that can affect people and equipment working in space and on Earth.)
National Geodetic Survey, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(together with Space Environment Center, provides experimental ionospheric products
to help emergency managers and other users quickly assess the effects of solar storms
on Global Positioning System applications.)
USAF 55th Space Weather Squadron (provides space environmental analysis, forecasts, and
warnings to enhance the capability of worldwide Department of Defense forces and other Federal
Northwest Research Associates - Space Weather Services
(provides information ionospheric scintillation effects and predictions and real time space
weather indices)
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch, Univ. of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
(provides information regarding the state of the sun and its effect on the earth
and the space environment near the earth.)
Canadian National Geomagnetism Program Canadian National Geomagnetism Program
(monitors and predicts the Earth's ever-changing magnetic field throughout Canada,
on time-scales ranging from seconds to decades.)
Ionospheric Prediction Service, Australian Dept of Industry Science and Resources
(provides various radio propagation and space environment services.)
Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
University of Michigan's Space Weather Today
International Geomagnetic Reference Field (1995)
(including free Fortran software to produce tables of values of geomagnetic information,
including magnetic declination)
On-Line GPS Data Processing
Canadian Spatial Reference System - Precise Point Positioning (CSRS-PPP)
(from Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada). A free
Web-based GPS precise point positioning service. Estimates coordinates
of a single site using the precise point positioning (PPP) method
(precise orbits and clocks). CSRS-PPP can process GPS observations in
RINEX format from single or dual-frequency GPS receivers operating in
static or kinematic mode. Results are provided in both ITRF or
NAD83(CSRS). Users are required to register for free and obtain a
password to use the service.
Automatic Precise Positioning Service (APPS)
(from Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology). A
free GPS data processing service based on the Precise Point Positioning
(PPP) method used in the
software. Estimates coordinates of a site at rest (static) or in motion
(kinematic) using RINEX observation files from single or dual-frequency
GPS receivers together with JPL precise orbits and clocks. Also suppports
near-real-time processing using the latest available orbits/clocks and
"most accurate" processing about a week after the data using the most
accurate orbit and clock information.
Scripps Coordinate Update Tool (SCOUT)
(from Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center). A free Web/FTP-based
GPS data processing service using the GAMIT software. Estimates
coordinates of a single site using IGS stations as fiducial points (you
can specify which to use or have SCOUT select the nearest ones). To use,
your RINEX file must be accessable via anonymous FTP or you must upload
it to their anonymous FTP server.
OnLine Positioning User Service (OPUS)
(from US National Geodetic Survey). A free Web-based GPS data processing
service based on NGS's
PAGES software.
Allows users to submit their GPS data files in RINEX format to NGS,
where the data will be processed to determine a position using NGS
computers and PAGES software. Each RINEX file that is submitted will be
processed with respect to the 3 nearest national CORS sites.
AUSPOS -- Online GPS Processing Service
(from Geoscience Australia). A free Web-based GPS data processing
service that allows users to submit dual frequency, geodetic quality,
GPS data in RINEX format observed in a 'static' mode and receive rapid
turn-around coordinates in ITRF or GDA. This service takes advantage of
both IGS products and the IGS GPS network using the
MicroCosm Software System
and works with data collected anywhere on Earth.
- GAPS -- GPS Analysis and Positioning Software
(from University of New Brunswick); A free Web-based GPS precise point
positioning software service that processes submitted RINEX observation
files in either static and kinematic modes. Specifically uses the UNB3m
neutral atmospheric delay model. Solution can be optionally constrained
(weighted) to a priori coordinates (either specified or from RINEX
file). Results are return via email.
- magicGNSS
(from gmv); A free Web-based GPS precise point positioning service that
processes submitted RINEX observation files. Also apparently generates
precise orbits, clocks and tropospheric zenith delays.
- Precise Point Positioning Software Centre
(from Univeristy of New Brunswick, created under the auspices of the
'Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE) Network of Centres of
Excellence Project 31); compare solutions from online PPP applications.
Submitted RINEX observation files are processed by different online PPP
applications, including CSRS-PPP (NRCan), GAPS (UNB) and Auto-GIPSY
(JPL). Results are graphically compared for easy comparison.
- SINEX Format Checker
(from Konstantin Nurutdinov, University of Newcastle). Checks SINEX
files with SLR or GPS data for SINEX format requirements and values from
SITE/ID and SITE/ECCENTRICITY blocks. [This service seems to have been
- SOPAC Online GPS Date Converter
(from Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center).
Converts between various date formats, including GPS week + day of week,
year + day of year, decimal year, modified Julian date, year + month +
- GPS Calendar
(from US National Geodetic Survey). Provides calendar date, day of year
and GPS week
Free/Shareware/Cheap GPS Software
- CSRS-PPP: Canadian Spatial Reference System - Precise Point Positioning
(from Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada). Performs precise point positioning to the
metre level using psuedo-range data with precise ephemerides and clock corrections> No DGPS base
stations or correction services are needed. Runs on Windoze computers. Soon be replaced by CSRS-PPP
software and on-line service for precise point positioning to cm-level with carrier phase data.
(from Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Pasadena, CA). A state-of-the-art, high-precision GPS data
processing system for point positioning and orbit determination. Available free of charge to the
international research community. Requires previous GIPSY experience or a formal training course. For
more simplified coordinate estimation applications, check out the
Auto Gipsy
service (see above).
(from Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT). Another state-of-the-art, high-precision
GPS data processing system for long baseline and orbit determination. Available free of charge for
non-commerical purposes. GAMIT is collection of programs used for the analysis of GPS data and determination
of orbits. GLOBK is a Kalman filter whose primary purpose is to combine various geodetic solutions such as
GPS, VLBI, and SLR experiments.
- US National Geodetic Survey
Yet another state-of-the-art, high-precision GPS data processing system for long baseline and orbit
determination. Available free of charge to state geodetic agencies and research institutions. Requires
previous PAGES experience or training at NGS. Documentation is available online at
For further information, contact Mark Shenewerk at mark@ness.grdl.noaa.gov.
- OMNI [No longer available]
A more basic GPS data processing software package.
- HTDP: Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning
Predicts horizontal displacements and velocities related to crustal motion and transforms positions to
specified epochs and coordinate reference frames. Can also be used to only transform coordinates between
difference reference frames.
- NGS PC Software
Free geodetic software developed by NGS, including their 3D network adjustment software
- NGS Geodetic Tool Kit.
A collection of on-line interactive software utilities for solving a variety of geodetic
problems. Most software can also be downloaded to run locally.
- Bernese GPS Software
(from the Astronomisches Institut der Universitat Bern, Switzerland); included only for
completeness, this very expensive, state-of-the-art GPS processing system is similar to GIPSY and GAMIT.
It is a high accuracy GPS application for long baselines, orbit determination, and more. Available
only commericially at a very high cost.
- UNAVCO: University NAVSTAR Consortium.
A collection of links to GPS software for a variety of data management tasks, including data
logging, translation, processing.
- XRapS
(from Andreas Mathes, geoIma). A freeware version of the commercial XrapS GPS post-processing software
restricted to short baselines in rapid static mode.
- DRIVER (from Clyde Goad, former
OSU professor; includes Fortran and C source versions; unsupported). DRIVER is a package of
C/Fortran functions/subroutines supporting the development of GPS postprocessing applications.
An example pseudo-range point positioning application is provided.
- Sam's GPS Software
(from Sam Storm van Leeuwen; algorithms and
Turbo Pascal source code). A collection of GPS data processing algorithms and software: "all steps
from raw data to position calculation explained".
- The GPS Toolbox Archive
(from Stephen Hilla & Mike Craymer, editors of the column "The GPS Toolbox" in the journal GPS Solutions).
A collection of software from their column dedicated to highlighting algorithms utilized by GPS engineers
and scientists.
- SOPAC Online GPS Date Converter
(from Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center).
Converts between various date formats, including GPS week + day of week, year + day of year,
decimal year, modified Julian date, year + month + day.
(from Mike Craymer).
Fortran software to convert between different date formats, including year + month + day,
year + day of year, year + decimal year, GPS week + seconds of week and Julian date.
- SOFA: Standards of Fundamental Astronomy
(from International Astronomical Union). A free software collection
of constants, algorithms and procedures that implement standard models used in fundamental astronomy.
- gpsinformation.net
(by Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel). Extensive collection of links to GPS software for communicating with
GPS receivers, data logging, data computations, etc.
- Macintosh, Windows and Newton GPS Software
(by GPSy). A somewhat dated (2000) collection of sources of GPS
- Peter Bennett's GPS and NMEA Site.
Information on support/software for a variety of handheld receivers and NMEA interfaces
- Selected Software
- GPSy -- Macintosh GPS Communications
(from Global Mapping Systems; Mac ~US$50). A Macintosh GPS communications and GIS
mapping program that connects Macs to a broad range of GPS navigational units and has advanced mapping,
logging, and data transfer features. Pro version also avaialble with better map support, DGPS corrections
and more (~$150).
- MacGPSPro
(from James Associates; Mac ~US$40). Software for linking any
Garmin GPS receiver to any Macintosh and allows the importing of
maps from a wide variety of sources.
(from GPSNavX; Mac ~US$240, free demo available). Real-time display
of position on full color charts, trip planning trips and charting, waypoints and routes can be transferred
from and to a GPS receiver. Tracks can only be transferred from the GPS receiver to the program.
- GPSview
(from Craig R. Burton; Mac Freeware). A rather dated Mac program that provides dynamic polar plots of GPS satellites
in view from a specific position.
[InfoMac Download]
(from Paolo Faure Ragani; Windows Freeware). Software for the
creation and the management of longitude and latitude calibrated maps. Can define points of interest
(waypoints), create routes (route points), and visualize track paths (trackpoints).
- GPS TrackMaker
(from Odilon Ferreira Junior; Windows Freeware).
Software for GPS communications, mapping and data analysis. Can define waypoints, routes and tracklogs.
- GPS Utility
(from GPS Utility Limited; Windows Limited Freeware Version &
US$40 Commercial Version). Provides management and manipulation of GPS information and transfer data
from/to GPS receivers. Includesmoving map displays, conversion between datums, editing waypoints,
routes and tracks.
(from Antonio Tabernero Galan; Windows/Linux Freeware). Logs raw
data from Garmin GPS12 (or XL) receivers and convert to RINEX format for further post-processing.
- Sam's GPS GPS Software Pages
(from Sam Storm van Leeuwen; Windows Freeware). Step-by-step algorithms and software for GPS position
- GpsDrive (from Fritz Ganter; Linux
Donationware). GPS navigation system that displays positions provided by NMEA-capable GPS receivers
on a zoomable map.
- RoadMap (from Pascal Martin; Linux/Unix Freeware).
GPS Navigation system that displays a street map, tracks the position provided by a NMEA-compliant
GPS receiver, identifies the street matching this GPS position and announces the name of the crossing
street at the next intersection.
GPS-Related Toolboxes for MATLAB
(* Reviewed in GPS World, September 1998)
- Constellation Toolbox*
(by Constell Inc.). A comprehensive simulation and analysis package for satellite constellations.
- GNSS Toolbox*
(by Orion Dynamics and Control, Inc). Analysis and simulation software for GPS and GLONASS navigation systems.
- GPS Data Analysis Toolbox*
(by NAVSYS Corporation). Customized MATLAB based tools for GPS data analysis.
- GPS Receiver Toolbox
(by Data Fusion Corporation). MATLAB routines that comprise an intermediate frequency GPS software receiver.
- GPS Software Toolbox
(by Lupash Consulting). Design, analysis, and simulation tools for Global Positioning System.
- Satellite Navigation (SatNav) Toolbox*
(by GPSoft LLC). Simulation and analysis software for GPS and GNSS.
- GPS MATLAB Tools at Aalborg University
(by Kai Borre, Aalborg University). A collection of MATLAB files for the GPS Solutions article "GPS MATLAB Tools at Aalborg
University", Volume 4, Number 3, January 2001 (similar to above MATLAB software for Linear Algebra, Geodesy & GPS).
- Linear Algebra, Geodesy & GPS M-Files
(by Kai Borre, Aalborg University). A collection of MATLAB files for the book Linear Algebra, Geodesy and GPS, by Gilbert
Strang and Kai Borre.
- softGPS
(by the Danish GPS Center, Aalborg University). A software-defined receiver (SDR) for GPS and Galileo signals based
on the book A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver
by Kai Borre et al. (2007).
- Aided Inertial Navigation System (AINS) Toolbox
(by Naser El-Sheimy and Eun-Hwan Shin, The University of Calgary).
- Geodetic Toolbox
(by Mike Craymer).
A collection of MATLAB functions/scripts for general problems in geodesy.
GPS Satellite Images
GPS Satellite Photos from Lockheed Martin (in both low and high resolution formats)
- GPS Block IIF Satellite (from
USAF, 384KB)
- GPS Block IIR Satellite (drawing from
Lockheed Martin Space Systems, 176 KB;
high resolution, 1.8 MB)
- GPS Block IIR Satellite (from
USAF, 135KB;
white background, 100KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite (by Slim Films, 179KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite (from Chrysler ad, 112KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite (from
- GPS Block IIA Satellite (from Peter Dana's
GPS Overview, 14KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite in Lab
(USAF photo, 99KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite in Rocket
(USAF photo, 139KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite Launch
(USAF photo from
FLORIDA TODAY Space Online, 79KB)
- GPS Block IIA Satellite (by
Gord Baker, 34KB;
300 dpi postscript image), 1.2MB)
- GPS Block II Satellites with Laser Ranging Retroreflectors [
Read Me,
Drawing 1 (60KB),
Drawing 2 (38KB) ] (NASA line drawings from
- GPS Block I Satellite (line drawing, source unknown, 11KB)
GPS-Related e-Mail Lists & Newsgroups
General Information
The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (U.S. Air Force Fact sheet)
GPS Performance Standard
GPS Modernization (documents supporting GPS III and the L2 and L5 proposals)
- US FAA Satellite Navigation Product Teams
(GPS basics, FAA programs, library, news)
Global Positioning System Overview by Peter Dana (part of
The Geographer's Craft
course material. Selected as one of the "Best of the Net" sites by GIS World)
Univ. of New South Wales GPS Tutorials (principles and practice of GPS
surveying, basic GPS positioning, GPS glossary, satellite track plots)
Navstar GPS Internet Connections (good selection of online GPS resources)
- Navtech Seminars and GPS Supply
(books, GPS equipment and software)
GPS World's Innovation Columns
(excellent introductory and technical articles on a variety of GPS-related topics.)
Alfred Leick's GPS Home Page (comprehensive list of GPS resources, including his GPS-related
publications available on-line)
GPS For Air and Space Power (an informal newletter to the US Air Force community)
GeoWeb Interactive (for GPS Receiver Database)
- gpsinformation.net
(by Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel. Extensive resources for GPS including reviews, FAQs, tutorials,
instructions, and links to hardware, software, accessories and vendors)
Karen Nakamura's GPS Resource Library
- Sam Wormley's Global Positioning System (GPS) Resources
- Denis Milbert's GPS Software
Sam Storm van Leeuwen's GPS Raw Data Pages
(info & tests of low cost receivers, antennas, software algorithms, and more)
Peter Bennet's GPS and NMEA Site
(information on GPS, NMEA and support/software for a variety of handheld receivers)
GPS Accuracy Without S/A (nice set of analyses by NGS)
- European Space Agency Navigation Site
- Galileo (ESA's own satellite-based global naviation system)
- EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
- EGNOS for Professionals (latest information from ESA on the implementation of EGNOS)
- Time Scales (by Paul Schlyter)
- NGS GPS Calendar
(provides calendar date, day of year and GPS week)
- 16,000 Things To Do With GPS
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Last Revised 2015-08-21