Tables of Contents in Geodesy (TCG) provides tables of contents for selected journals in geodesy. The contents were originally prepared for personal use and are now being made available via the Internet to anyone who wants them. TCG was created by Mike & Mary Craymer and is maintained by them in their spare time.
TCG has also been endorsed by the International Association of Geodesy (see Journal of Geodesy, Vol.70, No.4, pp.241-242) and is used to assist in the compilation of their own bibliographic review published in the IAG Newsletter in the Journal of Geodesy.
TCG presently archives and distributes current tables of contents for the following journals:
Generally, only technical articles from journal issues with at least one article in English are listed in the contents. For multi-lingual issues, all articles will be listed, but in the language of publication (without accents and special characters).
The contents to the current issue of each journal is distributed as soon as it is received by us. When possible, contents to issues announced, but not received, will also be posted to the WWW archive (but not distributed via email until received).
Please note that TCG has no affiliation with the publishers of the journals it covers. It does not distribute any of the articles nor any jounals. See below for different ways of getting reprints of articles.
[ Home | Recent Issues | Journals List | Archive Search ]Tables of Contents in Geodesy is available from the following Internet sources:
The WWW site archives all of the distributed contents.
[ Home | Recent Issues | Journals List | Archive Search ]Articles in the tables of contents can be obtained in different ways, including:
Note: Copyright regulations require that copies furnished be used solely for private study or research.
[ Home | Recent Issues | Journals List | Archive Search ]We welcome your feedback. Please send any comments to
Please feel free to suggest other journals to include in our service. If there is enough interest, and providing we have access to it, we will add it to the list.
We would also be willing to catalogue and redistribute
contents to non-English journal issues as well as
journals we don't subscribe to, providing someone emails
us the tables of contents.
Tables of Contents in Geodesy was created by
Mike & Mary Craymer
and is maintained by them in their spare time, usually late
at night
The tables of contents for the journals are obtained directly from the publishers and editors or from the Earth Sciences Information Centre, Natural Resources Canada.
Internet access and space for this Web site are provided by the Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada. Email distribution is provided by the Canadian Space Geodesy Forum (CANSPACE) at the University of New Brunswick.
[ Home | Recent Issues | Journals List | Archive Search ]Copyright © 1995-2003 Michael R. Craymer.
Tables of Contents in Geodesy and all associated web pages and files are copyright. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute portions of TCG only for non-profit, non-commercial use, providing the following notice is included:
Tables of Contents in Geodesy
Copyright 1995-2000 Michael R. Craymer.
All rights reserved.
WWW <>
Subscriptions & comments to Mike Craymer
Tables of Contents in Geodesy is the sole responsibility of Michael and Mary Craymer. It is not a product of the Geodetic Survey Division or the Government of Canada.
Tables of Contents in Geodesy is provided on an "as is" basis. Michael and Mary Craymer make no guarantees, representations or warranties respecting Tables of Contents in Geodesy, either expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, effectiveness, completeness, accuracy and fitness for a particular purpose.
Michael and Mary Craymer shall not be liable in respect of any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand or action alleging any loss, injury or damages, direct or indirect, which result from the use of Tables of Contents in Geodesy.
Tables of Contents in Geodesy may be discontinued at any time without notice.
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